
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I didn't go into work today. Fazzy, Shenée and I agreed we were all going to work from home. 

And then I dialled into a meeting and Shenée was THERE. Right THERE. In the OFFICE.

Honestly. Bloody PMs. You turn your back for an instant and they're GONE.

Nevertheless, I couldn't be too cross with her. She bought me this tuatara key-ring so that we could be "matchy-matchy". As you may recall she has a duck that I bought her. 

She was so pleased with herself, finding this tuatara. "Look at him! He's so grumpeeeee! He hates the WORLD!"

So my day passed quietly at home, mostly without incident. However, I am going into work tomorrow. Shenée maintains she is NOT. 

But really, who knows? Such are Projects Managers, changeable like the wind.


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