
By sjb


This was the first day of our cycling holiday in the Outer Hebrides. Getting bikes on trains these days is ridiculously complicated. Firstly, most train companies insist that you reserve a bike space. Secondly, their trains offer very few of these spaces. And, thirdly, it is often nigh impossible to find out how to book them. Then of course, there is the additional problem that a journey such as ours, from Liverpool to Oban, requires multiple bookings- one for each of the train companies operating their part of the route that is travelled.
Thankfully, ScotRail is the exception in that it still provides a very helpful phone line advice and booking service. And, when we arrived at Glasgow Queen Street we were met by a member of staff who asked us if we were the 4 bikes for Oban and escorted us through the waiting crowds and to the carriage with the bike spaces.

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