Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


On our afternoon dog walk. This morning was the official week one of my program I'm doing. A deep dive today. A lot of journaling after and processing. Enjoyed a yoga session in the afternoon. Doing another of Adriene on YouTube 30 days of yoga to get me back into it. Later in the day I apholstered a couple of pads in the caravan that are either side of the window to protect it. Gone is the drab brown and beige and now a turquoise green. Much cheerier.

I found this yesterday it's come up in a couple of books I'm reading. This is a free wee 90min course split into 5~10min videos. Heart Math Experience which teaches you how to connect to heart centered life. Some simple techniques that help you to cope with life easier and help you to connect better with yourself and other people and animals in your life. Give it a go. 

"The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough." ~ Rabindranath Tagore

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