MonoMonday - Groovy

I managed to find this tape. Tape of the Album Songs of the Distant Earth by Mike Oldfield. This to get you started:

Or can listen to Holy Groove Instrumental a German release which I've never heard before.

Tape cassettes are meant to be making a comeback. Think I only have a few left that haven't been chewed by various tapedecks & portables players over the years. Think there may be a few blanks in a box somewhere in the garage.

You know what the pencil is for if you've had cassette tapes & not just for pushing out the little plastic bit in the corner so wouldn't tape over. And some coloured wire tape to cover the corner if wishing to tape over but tab had been removed.

Recording the latest charts or a live show from the radio to listen again or taping an vinyl album to then blast out the car stereos.

60's 90's & the 120's that didn't last long as they stretched too much.

Used to play one tape regularly but the tape stopped before the track, it is funny if I hear the whole track now.

Memories memories good memories...

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