Tiny buds

Another early start just after 7 but it was a very refreshing walk round the stream with Phin. Home for breakfast and a nap on the sofa (not me) before getting organised for the day.

Actually I had quite a lazy day in all honesty - the most I did was go with Mr PHL and the dog to Roslin Glen where the puppy swam before we walked up to the chapel and back to the car park. I’m blaming the heat for my lack of industry today.

Phin turned one today but as he’s on his restricted diet we’re going to wait to celebrate until he’s recovered. Not that he will know any different anyway. Miss PHL was keen to give him a new toy and true to form within 5 minutes he’d bitten lumps off it - what a dog!!

Liked this blip of the tiny buds on mother’s clematis against the blue sky. Thanks to osuzanna for hosting Tiny Tuesday.

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