Auld Baler

A better day, but still overcast, and a glimpse of sunshine this evening.  Thankfully no mist today. 

Early start, and a fairly quiet day working in the airport.  The quiet day gave me time to practice some complex booking training.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, and a quiet night at home.  The Lerwick folk are up in arms today.  Someone sprayed graffiti on some buildings, very much anti Up Helly Aa, causing great distress.  Surely a slow news day.

In other slow news, I spotted an old time baler out in the rigs, on my way home.  Most hay bales are now the black silage bales, horrible things, and make such a mess with the plastic blowing around.  This bales aren't just nicer to see, they smell great too, mostly of happy summer days as a child.  Taken at Bremmer, Cunningsburgh.  

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