Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Fluffy Sky Sheep

Morning photo today - of the cool clouds I saw while walking to the railway station. I had tried a little earlier to capture a really cool bit of iridescent cloud, but failed dismally: I had to wind down the exposure compensation as far as it'd go, and it was still all over-exposed, showing littlke of the colour; I then switched over to manual and upped the shutter speed some more. I still ended up with a bit of the cloud blown, and it was overall way too dark. Grumble.

It was really cool to look at though. 8)

Have this bit of sky in large, anyway.

I'm taking a break from a Song of Ice and Fire (the Game of Thrones books); I started reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep today. It's rather shorter than George R. R. Martin's forklift-required tomes; I'm 45% through it already. xP

Oh! But on the subject of Game of Thrones:Game of Thrones/Princess Bride mashup.


Also awesome is this Star Wars mockumentary, in the style of 9/11 "truther" "documentaries": Luke's Change: An Inside Job. Watch. Laugh. Shake head.

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