2 Fly or not 2 fly....

and still 2 hot!!!  The storm we had yesterday didn't clear the air so another scorcher of a day. We had planned a trip to Hyde Hall for a walk but decided against it so used the time to catch up on gardening in the shade!  Things look like they're cooling down from tomorrow -we shall see!

I also had fun swearing at butterflies and dragonflies in the garden this afternoon as none seemed willing for some blip posing! These 2 flies were good sports though and stuck around while I zoomed in!  Just wish the dahlia leaves were looking healthier! It's all a bit of carnage out in the garden this year! Seedlings haven't done very well at all, slugs and snails are rampant at destroying all my favourites and the heat is overwhelming! The only things currently thriving are sunflowers and clover in the lawn!!

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