Prickly Reprise
Reprise: repeat (a piece of music or a performance).
I stayed with the theme from yesterday (took me a bit of a search on my bike this AM to find another cactus heart) because the band’s fate, Cactus Tractor* is an interesting story, maybe. I’ll let you be the judge.
Movable Parts hired Cactus Tractor several times, one time to perform The 50th Anniversary of the Beatles’ album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts ….
The band was comprised of music + theater majors and professors at UNM. For the sell-out show at the Outpost Performance Space they put together a 17 piece orchestra who, as David Letterman liked to say, “Blew the roof off the dump.“ They were so very talented*
In the link from yesterday at the downtown Gizmo the lead singer, David, was dating the lovely young lady, Kristie, to his left, Julie on banjo to his right. Three days after the performance, which as I said was a huge success (many calls for a 2nd performance at a later date), David went to NYC for the summer.
Upon his return, the band broke up, Kristie and David broke up, and Julie had a baby (not David’s). Julie had written the song, Goodbye Without a Kiss, which in a way turned out to be prophetic. David can now be seen wandering around downtown………………..
* Jelly Donut (Stay with it if you want to smile)
NPR Tiny Desk Contest Submission 2016
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