Hot hot hot!
Another very warm and pretty airless day. It didn't even seem to cool down when the sun went behind the clouds. 44° in the poly tunnel, with the door and vents open. All means a lot of watering and the water butts are close to empty again!
It was much too hot to dig out rocks today, in fact too hot for any manual work. I potted up the cuttings gathered from Barry's parents garden on Monday and collected seeds from the dried pods ready to make new plants for next year. I did some nettle pulling around the front of the house where it was shady but that was my limit for the day!
I persuaded Reg on a five minute walk up the lane about 100yards. He soon turned round and headed back to his spot under the picnic bench, which I have covered to keep it shady and cool all through the day. I think he'll be pleased when it cools down a bit. I think we are forecast some rain for the weekend.
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