Speed bonny boat…

Bit of a KBS when we heard at breakfast on Harris that our ferry to Skye had been cancelled.  Our lovely hotelier Patricia gave us the direct CalMac number and we worked out a route via the Uists to get over.   Rushed goodbyes and we were at the ferry terminal in Leverburgh within 30 mins. We were on standby but got on easily.  Drove to Lochmaddy and went for a walk on the machair at Clachan Sands.  Very lovely but oddly full of flies as well as the more welcome butterflies and bees.  

As we sailed over to Skye the sun made its first appearance on our holiday and we drove to Loch Bay where we were staying in the little village of Stein. We’d been here once before in thick mist so it was wonderful to see this view before dinner.  It feels very Cornish here with winding lanes and slim views down to the sea.  Excellent fishy dinner. 

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