Don't Say You Haven't Been Warned
Phew, sabit warrum today... I am sweating beer, but it's a nice feeling.
Darting in and out of the Man Cave Gin Palace Music Room, alternately listening to (loud) music on the 40 year old but still amazing hi fi system, and cutting the grass, and swigging, and trimming bushes (just don't)..and swigging, and...forget now... Addled
Extra is my view as I pen this.... I am listening to an album called Outlaws, by a band of the same name. It is brilliant, if you have 10 minutes in your life to spare, listen to Green Grass And High Tides, it will do you in, I promise. I have got through Donald Fagen(Night fly) and Dire Straits (Communique~) and I just want to say to all my blip friends. I know you all have your troubles, its never meant to be easy. But find something, Drown yourself in your own pleasurable thoughts. As my very good friend Gary keeps telling me. 'Yowm only eer once, Yow can die miserable, or happy. Your choice.
The blip is the cover off a pipe which was part of a consignment of ephemera we picked up for very little money last week. More to follow.
I am currently researching buying a classic Jaguar. It is insane, I doubt it will happen, too many hurdles... But it is exciting, I like the feeling.......
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