Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Repetition in the reflections...

...at Rivelin...

We had to be at the Claremont for 7am today, so it was a very early start! Once I'd dropped Roy off I was invited to Helen's for breakfast, a walk and a meal - it was brilliant, and kept my mind off worreting ;) 

It's an area of heritage - mills, weirs and industry - and you can see some of that in the extras, as well a superguide Helen. We kept to the shady riverside most of the way out, and there was cover and a breeze on the ridge on the way back - a great walk that I had never done before, and we weren't far from the hospital either, so we could send good vibes ;)  Mike kindly cooked a delicious lasagna while we were out having fun, and Helen's mum joined us for the meal!

I've just spoken to Roy on WhatsApp video - he's full of beans, has had some nice food and done some physio already, and they seem very happy with his progress - phew... He has been WhatsApping people himself - he looked really well and he said he was pain free, so it was passing the time nicely ;) 

I've done the watering as per instructions, and had a cold beer - and I think I'll be off to bed pretty early tonight!

Music for Roy ;))

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