
I took a lot of pictures last night so spent the morning reviewing/deleting and editing, quite pleased with the result, I think I captured the happy mood.

Then up to see Matt to drop a pump off as although the have a pump for their cellar the water is coming in through the wall so they want one to pump out next door. What a mess, hoping for less severe weather over the weekend.

Work this afternoon was good, an old client needed some help, they have been given some fairly poor advice so it was good to be able help out.

This evening the Wilson’s popped round to pick up some equipment for Jamies brothers wedding (which is at the weekend. )Always lovely to see Seren, she was particularly pleased to see Bertie.

It would have been Ian’s 53rd birthday today, I know dead folks don’t have the internet but I’m sure he’d appreciate we are toasting his fine life.

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