The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Curlicue shadows

Another hot day. According to my phone app, it was still 31degrees at 5pm. I lounged around in the morning, reading, and then sorted out my stall-baggage for the market. I didn't have to go childminding because one of the children I look after is self-isolating. I didn't mind.

Friend J rang at 1, to say she was coming around to visit.When she arrived, she just about melted through the door. I rigged up a sort of ventilated tent in the garden so we could sit in the shade. We lolled for hours, indoors and out, following the shade, catching up, discussing aspects of the funeral on Tuesday. Bomble the cat kept us company, when he wasn't lying stretched out to his full extent in the hall, trying to shed some heat from his black fur coat.

Finally we had to load up and go to the market to set up for tomorrow. The layout is different now, we'll have 13 stalls instead of 6. I hope it'll bring more customers in, because they will no longer be able to take the whole hall in at a glance. Time will tell. I hope we'll manage to stay open, but the CoVid threat has not gone away

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