Adam's Images

By ajt

Big trees

This morning we set off on the train to Vannes. We had a good ride, the train wasn't full on the first section and we had plenty of space. The rolling stock from Rennes to Vannes though is a bit older and a bit more cramped, but we still found a seat and had space.

After lunch we went down to the coast for a walk with the dog. Annoyingly the beach is closed to dogs, so we were more restricted where we could go, but to be honest the beach isn't that nice, and the dog preferred sniffing on the path where we were on anyway... Todays back bip is along the line of big trees that the path went - the beach is on the left.

After the walk I put an 8 GiB stick of RAM into my sister-in-law's computer that my mother-in-law has been using. Previously it was maxed out at 100% CPU utilisation all the time and was pretty unusable at anything. So that my sister-in-law could complete her training course, we swapped the my mother-in-law and sister-in-law around as my mother-in-law has the better computer. So for the past few months it's my mother-in-law who has been suffering with a sluggish computer not my sister-in-law....! Anyhow after rebooting the system, I was quite surprised that after about 5 minutes of 100% disk activity it actually settled down with idle CPU, RAM and disk... I really didn't expect the RAM upgrade to be that profound as I didn't think RAM was the bottleneck... In fact I only installed the RAM as I thought it's best now while it's still relatively cheap, as the system gets older prices go up - unless you can find a friend with spare RAM...

Tomorrow (which is now past as this is a back blip) I'll put in an SSD and install Linux onto that, so Windows will be eliminated from this computer. My sister-in-law dropped off my mother-in-law's computer so that one is now back at home. While I would like to put my mother-in-law on Linux that's a step for another day. My sister-in-law and her partner are light computer users, so as long as there is a working browser and basic office type applications they will be happy - so Linux is perfect for them. I even added a load of astronomy stuff for him as I know he like a bit of star gazing!

If you've got to the end of this and your confused don't worry, it's just a case of shuffling things around....!

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