
By stellarossa

Puppy playtime

At one point there were 11 dogs in the field this morning enjoying the damp shaded grass and some serious sniffing.

We decided to try and get a photo of our group of 5 canine chums. The youngest 8 months and oldest only 2. This is the best of a bad bunch of photos. Casper the golden retriever features sitting perfectly like teacher’s pet. Juno did so momentarily then got distracted ( typical spaniel, attention span of a gnat). Henry in the background was already hot and tired so having a lie down before his short walk home. Lyra the baby of the group can’t sit still for a nanosecond and Stanley the lurched just ran in circles in a blur.

Later I went into the office for a few hours - lots of protocols, alternate desks taped off, 2m rule etc, then my boss orders a take away lunch and gets everyone to sit cheek by jowl squashed up on a picnic bench in the garden. I declined the offer of lunch - with Covid rates so high in Oxford squashing myself into a tiny space with 9 other people seems a bit silly.

Finally Tom arrived to Juno’s great delight. He also had an email from the company he interviewed with yesterday. They loved his interview but when they did the technical questions he just blanked. They asked if he’d like to try the technical interview again. A ray of hope… now he’s busy revising all his technical notes…

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