
By Groggster

An Open Invitation For A Camouflaged Zombie

After two days of heat induced lethargy I decided I need to give myself a proverbial kick up the backside. 
After I had dropped my brother off at the station I got changed straight into my running kit and was out the door before 7.30 am. It wasn't a long run but it did provide the requisite endorphin boost that was sorely needed.
Before the energy uplift faded I decided to go out to Notcutts (one of our local garden centres) to get some new plants for my mum's grave. I had been to a couple of other garden centres recently but the choice was terrible - some were even trying to sell off what looked like dead plants in a clearance sale! I managed to find pots of Delosperma and Veronica that will bring a real splash of colour, which I know mum would love.
Due to my rather poor photographic efforts over the last couple of days I then decided to stop off in Maidstone to see if I could get a shot. I'd done a circular walk of about half a mile when I spotted this fellow outside an army surplus shop - he just grabbed my attention straight away!
After what seemed like a lot of activity for me over the last few days I decided I needed a bit of a quieter afternoon. It was still very warm but after that last two days of stifling heat there was a lovely gentle breeze. So I changed into my shorts and sat in the garden for a book reading session (luckily nobody has the misfortune of having to look at my pale 'Scottish skin' legs as we have a large beech hedge on one side of the garden and a fairly high fence on the other!) and when it started to get too hot again I went inside for a coffee and a bit of telly.
I've reacquainted myself with Brooklyn Nine-Nine (the police procedural sitcom). I just love the characters - Jake Peralta, Captain Raymond Holt, Rosa Diaz, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Charles Boyle, Gina Linetti and of course Hitchcock and Scully. I even love the part right at the end of the credits where a voice says "Fremulon" (the name of the production company) and "Not a doctor". If ever I'm feeling a bit glum an episode of this always cheers me up and makes me laugh. 
At the opposite end of the scale I watched another instalment of a massively schlocky thriller on Channel 5 called Lie With Me. Completely preposterous but you can't stop watching!

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