Feet First

So here we are at another weekend. How the weeks fly when there are so few distinguishing events to mark the passing days. I met up with a Merry Widow in the Black Ivy this afternoon ( sounds like the title of a Murder mystery) . When she asked me what I had been doing this week my mind went blank. It took a while to remember the lovely meeting with Blethers and Himself and the not so lovely one with my financial guru lady.

It’s taken 4 decades to allow anyone with a scalpel near my feet. You would be amazed how such short appendages which have been cosseted in nothing worse than Clark’s sandals and flatties all their existence can suddenly reward you for all that benevolent treatment with trouble. The lady wielding the scalpel this morning can talk for Europe which is fine except for the eye contact which momentarily takes her eye off the job in her hands.
I counted my toes in and I counted them out and they were all present when I paid the bill.

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