Double Shot Mummy


Black bean brownies

We made black bean brownies today. There is no flour in them and not a huge amount of sugar so we thought they were interesting enough to try. Success! There is a slightly gritty texture, but they taste like very chocolately, cakey brownies :-) Oscar and Bailee would have eaten the lot if given the chance! We served them with kiwifruit and greek yoghurt. The recipe calls for 'dye free avocado frosting' but I know my two and fear it'll be a waste of an avocado.

Bailee in particular, and Oscar to a certain extent, have been fussy of late. This is the first time in their whole lives and I am not used to it! Oscar is not eating everything I put in front of him, (Bearing in mind he has eaten a snail, loves wasabi and enjoys raw onions and mushrooms too). Bailee is picking out her green vegetables (Apart from peas). We made fresh spinach, parmesan and walnut pesto today. They ate it fresh off the spoon but when I coated their pasta in it, they almost gagged. Admittidly, I think pinenuts go better in this recipe than walnuts but it was still very edible.

Oh well, my plan is to not make a fuss, keep cooking fresh, colourful meals and hope they learn to love all their veges again!

Oscar has clocked the toilet training. You are going to despise me for this when you are 18 Oscar, but today you did your first poo all by yourself on the potty. He just takes himself and takes care of everything. If only I knew it would be this easy!

Maple has a rotten, snotty cold still. She is not eating and drinking as much as usual. She started crawling on all fours backwards yesterday. She has crawled forwards on her tummy since 4 and a half months but hasn't managed to lift up her tummy until recently. I am noticing what a big baby she has become. Her legs are very long. She is outgrowing her 9-12 month old clothes in the length. She doesn't have a big face, just her body is so long. I am getting more and more comments about how stunning her eyes are: they are becoming more and more of a bright blue :-)

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