
We took the canoe out again to a different local spot, one that is much quieter than yesterdays. It was idyllic canoeing weather so we pootled along  enjoying the sun and the views and marine life, seaweed shapes and colours along with strange fan like creatures. Starfish and jellyfish too along with numerous shoals of small fish.

There was nobody else out on the water apart from some noisy but distant motor boats and yachts which were also under noisy motors. We could hear them even although they were so far away we could hardly see them.

No seals today but as we crossed the bay an unwelcome furry face appeared swimming in the opposite direction and we nearly ran over it. See extra. On one of the coastal areas we came across a nationally scarce moth which I think is a Dew moth, a good record if it is as it's new to this area. also in extras.

This little beach is on an island and a fav stopping place for us, we had a dip here on the way home as the sun was very hot and little breeze. It would be a good place to skinny dip as it is deserted for miles but I had brought my costume today. 
Now it's gin night and I have a bottle of Harris to open, yum my favourite.

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