or Montbretia grows like a weed, an easy way to introduce orange to the flower bed but I've got my eye on 'Lucifer'. It's a fabulous hot red, but will probably need staking. Must keep an eye out for it. I have'nt bought any plants for awhile actually. I'd quite like to get some Ophiopogon 'nigra' for a winter basket idea as well. A list is forming.
Day two of self isolating .. I gardened at home, deadheading & tidying. The greenhouse can wait, the forecast is for rain, so that's my rainy day task sorted. I've read a lot today .. I've been on my travels with 'Cartes Postales from Greece', a book I started yesterday.
It's just started to rain, that will save me a job up on the plot ... or organising. The forecast from the Met Office goes like this -
30% chance of HAIL at 10pm, 90% chance of rain at 00.00hrs - 02.00hrs then it gradually lessens when at 1700hrs the rain should stop & we get sunshine/cloud. Time will tell.
I messaged Jorgiesmum, she has managed to get the parrots looked after by a neighbour which is a relief, & means that they have been able to make their trip, & Jorgie gets herself another holiday.
Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday
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