
after two days of his new bed sitting waiting for him Reg decided to give it a try! I had to put one of his quilts in it first so maybe that's what he was waiting for. He is a funny little thing sometimes but we love him to bits.
On the gardening front I have finished removing weeds and rocks and stones, well the largest ones, from my last project. It is now covered with a membrane to keep those docks at bay. I shall top fill it and plant through the membrane, well that's the plan!
My mum has kindly sent me a gardening voucher to buy the roses I want which was a lovely surprise today and very gratefully received. I will look forward to spending that. Mum has a had a croaky voice for a couple of weeks which has been coming and going and the carers decided she should speak to the doctor. He turned up yesterday to see her, along with a carer. He says there doesn't seem to be anything at the back of her throat so has prescribed Gaviscon as it may be reflux she hasn't noticed irritating the tubes! Let's hope it works. The caring team where she lives now have been first rate and notice every little change with her. So good to know she is under their wing but still with her independence.
Another hot day, my poor garden is parched and desperate for the rain we are promised this weekend. Fingers crossed!

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