Gitama's World

By Gitama

Waiting for a Game of Chess and My Grungy Shoes

The Puss loves sitting in between the chess pieces on the table....he has been pretty good not knocking them over like he used to  (with his paw).
So I leaped and bounded to get my phone jumped up on the table and took his Flynn to get my phone....hobbled over to the table...groaned on my way up just to take a pic of the puss.... Nah! Im feeling pretty alright these days.
I potted up a lot of the african violets put the little darlings into special soil and put them in my bathroom...the others love it there so now I have 12 pots in there....ahh I will have to take a pic and blip it.
A creative day at Casa Day today...we got up early and went to the shops to get all the ingredients for the things we needed to do........Plaster of cement.....flower pots .....soil and some jars to make  terrariums.
I'm finding it hard wearing the mask....I'm getting headaches and my glasses fog up....and thats the lighter side of I have just decided to stay home as much as possible (not a hard thing for me to do).

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