
By Farmerboab

Friday sunset.....

Another day of this and that.
First job was to bring in a batch of cows and calves and separated them into different sheds to wean them. Will leave them inside for a few days until the roar is off them. Sent the crew next door to do the same over there while I had a telephone meeting to attend to.
Mrs F phoned to say there was water coming through the bathroom ceiling , so after turning off the stop tap in the loft( which wouldn’t shut properly) managed to reduce the flow to a dribble and phoned the plumber. The copper piping is getting to the end of its life as that’s the second burst in the last 6 months. Bring back the lead pipes -squeeze with some pliers and a hammer - sorted !
Headed off to bale more haylage and then cart it down while wee brother wrapped it. That’s another field done, so out with the mower tonight and opened up another one. Think it’s to stay dry until Tuesday now, fingers crossed.
Took the dogs a wee walk to see if Monday’s hay bales were heating or if they would do to stack inside yet. May have a go tomorrow.

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