All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Watering Can Man

I can think of worse jobs to do on a sunny day like today than being in charge of watering the tulips at the shopping centre! It sure beats sitting in a stuffy office!

It does make me laugh at this time of year though when you look at all the people out and about. You get the ones who decide the sun is out so it's summer, and are wandering around in flip-flops, shorts and vest tops whilst at the other extreme are the women in 70 dernier tights and fleeces buttoned up to the neck! I'm kind of in the middle - went out with my mac on but unbuttoned, but after 10 minute it was draped over my arm as I realised quite how warm it was outside!

Feeling really tired and headachey tonight so going to whip up a quick veggie curry for dinner and then flop on the sofa. Will catch up with commenting tomorrow instead as head too sore to spend long on the PC tonight.

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