Hair cut Number 2

Picked Rosie up so I have spent a lot of time in the car today. Jane had listen to the radio and Chris Evans had been saying it was snowing hard in Leeds. Rosie confirmed it had snowed but nothing had settled. On the way up I has sun, rain and fog as well as sleet in Leeds. On the way back we had sun, rain and fog. However, along the A 34 there was a violent hail storm and we saw a nasty accident that involved one car just a few cars ahead of us spin and end up going up the embankment and facing the wrong way. The car in front of us stopped sideways across both lanes. It was difficult see if there was any damage so hopefully everyone is OK. We called the emergency services and they dispatched police and ambulance.

After Jane's new hair style on Friday I got back to find Adam had been and had his hair cut. So here is my, nearly willing, model.

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