
Yes viewers, if look carefully you will see the rare orange chested artisan baker in its natural habitat.

As well as being flooded, Matt has been in isolation, well he was until this morning. So they’ve had a bit of a crap week.
Freedom and an early bike ride was I hope a tonic for him. We found a load of possibly not quite legal lanes to ride and it was excellent, even if I did manage a spectacular high speed off ( all drama, no damage, much mirth ).

This afternoon I spent a miserable couple of hours preparing the family bathroom for painting. It really needs completely ripping out but that will have to wait. Hopefully we might get it painted tomorrow then I can put a new floor down later in the month.

That done I started to clear one end of the garden for Hendstock camping. It’s the woody but so quite neglected. I raked up all the dead leaves and windfall sticks and burnt them and cleared a load of glass and other assorted rubbish. The land our house is on has seen all sorts of usage over the years from Civil War skirmishes to burials and it seems fly tipping. So you don’t have to dig far to find stuff. https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2303982144776571010

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