
Grace will be 9 tomorrow. I met her, and her Mum , a fellow dog walker, when I went for a walk looking for a blip this afternoon. I heard all about her annual party, and what presents she'd got, so I thought I'd try and grab a shot to make into a card for tomorrow. It makes you realise just how important a dog is to elderly people who live on their own. Grace's Mum was a keen horsewoman in her earlier days, but now Grace is the centre of her world.

Sorry I chopped off her ear, but I had a fixed lens on, and when I moved away, she followed, so chopped off ear it is! I got a slightly better picture of her, but it showed off her 'not so good' bottom row of teeth!

Had a sort out of my wardrobe today. I've too many clothes that I don't wear, but can't get rid of. Managed a charity bag of bits, and some went into the bin ... Bet I'll regret that at some stage in the not too distant future.

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