A Fly


A 4.30am alarm from the seagulls, which wasn’t strictly required or wanted…ear plugs have been sorted, otherwise a very quiet and uneventful night. A lazy morning, walk along the promenade, a quick lunch and I headed north…with the washing.

It was a teary afternoon, I really didn’t feel I belonged there anymore…not that anyone else noticed I was upset but hey ho! Washing done, car reloaded, tea and I’ve headed south again. Unloaded car then a quick walk to blow the cobwebs away. Front door lock decided to have a wobbly on me and didn’t want to unlock…will have to try some WD40 on it tomorrow and if that doesn’t work it’ll be a new lock!

I saw my blip a few days ago and thought it rather ironic that it appears to be a discarded council road sign frame propped up against the sign…so I went back today to get the shot.

Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday.

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