The end of the day

Saturday 24th July 2021

The day had plans:-

Plan A - A day out with a friend
Plan B - Add a trip to Mum beforehand. Meet friend on way home
Plan C - Plan A cancelled but first part of Plan B still ok and can be extended
Plan D - Invited to a 60th birthday party. Plan C shortened to include being home for party
Plan E - Leaving do for a colleague this evening advertised. Plan D now extended to add leaving do after party
Plan F1 - Still have preparation for Sunday to do, perhaps need to omit something? No - stick to Plan E
Plan F2 - Get up early today and do preparation for Sunday before leaving Mum's to relieve pressure later - added to Plan E
Plan G - Arrived home in time for party (as Plan F2). Fault occurred on burglar alarm, alarm going off but impossible to stop. Turning off all electric worked but alarm started again as soon as it was turned on. Needed to wait in for Engineer but hopeful that this could be included in time and Plan F2 returned to. 
Plan H - Engineer took longer to come than expected. Late for party. Not there long enough to then leave for leaving do so couldn't go to that as well but that would free up time to perhaps do some gardening this evening in stead?
Plan I - Home from party but fell asleep so any thought of gardening cancelled. 

It was something like that anyway. I woke up just in time to catch the last of the sunset. Oh, and I ran around removing all the lampposts from this shot as they were a distraction. Don't tell the Council, I'll put them back! :-)

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