Rags of light

By CarolG1

Ladies who brunch

I did 20 miles today for my long run. The weather was horrendous yesterday so I didn't have high hopes, but in fact we only had rain for the last hour out of a four hour run, so that wasn't too bad.

I now begin what's known as 'the taper' phase of training, which is a running term for gradually reducing your mileage in the final weeks leading up to a marathon so that your body can rest and recover in preparation for the big day.

Karen has been supporting me by making sure I get a really nice meal when I get back - a good balance of protein and carbs. We've got into the habit of having these really nice brunches but I think we'd both prefer if I could just eat them without having to do the bit that comes before. Roll on 15 April when I can get my life back!

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