This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Oops.... it's some sort of important blip day!?!
I am glad I could be in the blip capital to celebrate.

We ventured out late in the afternoon to visit the SSA, VAS, and RSW annual open exhibitions at the RSA. Whew! So much art! Much of it quite wonderful but art fatigue does set in and don't get me started about why all these shows have to be crammed into one place as they are. It was an impressive show and it was great to get out and walk in the rain, sleet, snow, wind.

Later, there was a a comfort food extravaganza with fresh baked bread, roasted tomatoes, garlic, red pepper, with vegetarian eggrolls, onion bhajis, pakoras and somosas. I enjoyed a beer while watching Dr. Who and later we listened to Cypress Hill.

Old Skool.

I have walked 13.5 jet lagged miles since Friday March 15th. (Just keeping up with it here for kicks- need to up my average...)

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