Lizard Legation

Anticipation  has been mounting for days since members of the large California delegation of fence lizards marched slithered skittered into the Wildwood arena. According to the strict social distancing protocols in effect, they all went straight to their crevices, but Larry here was spotted doing a series of push-ups  in the warm-up area at the rock climbing wall. Fence lizards are heavily favored to win the speed climbing events being  endowed with the perfect equipment  for finding tiny hand footholds  for scaling the steepest walls. Larry's trainers have been working tirelessly to help him keep those long, slender toes in perfect working order. Only rosin is allowed to allow for a good grip. The judges will be checking for glue or any kind of fixative. Fortunately the tiny suction cups on his toes should function well to keep him on the rock without affecting his speed.

Larry almost didn't make the team when an unknown predator competitor bit off his tail, but thanks to his team he was able to grow a new one in record time, and has been practicing a special series of moves that require little effort from the new appendage. The culprit was quickly located and disqualified from participation in the 2021 AOG

The skies are cloudy and a slight possibility of rain is predicted for tonight. It probably won't have any effect on the drought, but a wet surface on the climbing wall will present an additional challenge.

All eyes will be on Larry as he attempts to beat his own record time despite the weather and his recent near-catastrophic injury.

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