Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


Ok , it's a simple indoor blip of a flower head but it was more work than I had intended as I was using indoor light tonight( no time to blip today , much too busy ).
I tried all sorts of positions to get the petal details just so with no over exposure from the overhead lights. Eventually , found a spot on the piano - yes the vase was plonked on the piano keys, tripod adjusted to catch the flower from above with no distractions from around the piano and the light not hitting it directly . What a fus to get a half decent blip.

Just as well John has gone out to the Bowls AGM , otherwise he would have thought I'd finally cracked up.

For the record, i won't be making any recordings of me playing the accordion just yet, don't know how Fraser puts up with me struggling along, although I do have to say in my defence that the music is getting really tricky now. Got bck form that lesson and googles how to change a vio;lin string - something I missed the day our tutor was showing everyone else. Amazing what you can learn on U-tube. Said string replaced , tuned up and I have worked on the group piece for tomorrow. Definitely a lot easier than all the coordination required for the accordion!

Hope wherever you are tomorrow's nasty weather doesn't cause too much havoc.

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