Necklace ? Bracelet ? Bangle ? Ring ?

The Current Mrs Creel has a birthday soon, so I dragged myself along to the local bazaar; I know what’s good for me.   A silversmith*, before every meal. 

I was later whisked away to Tankerness for lunch.  During lunch we noticed a man seated across from us.  We knew him but we couldn’t remember who he was.  We then realised he was a member of the infamous Wyre Band.  When he got up to leave, we chatted with him.  He confirmed that not only had he not played in the Wyre Band, or any Orkney Band, indeed he hadn’t had a musical note in his body for 78 years.  He revealed himself to be our former postman.  But he still minded on our postcode (after 16 years).  For completion’s sake his cousin used to be our neighbour in Methlick. 

Outside Shearers a man approached us and asked the quickest way to Stromness.  I asked if he was on foot or driving.  He had a car; I advised him it was indeed the quickest way.

*Stromness based – highly recommended

Low Water in Helsinki is at 5.13 a.m.

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