Everywhere you go.... Always take the Weather

and Boy.  Take the Hairy Boy with you. 

Photo courtesy of Jessica 

I took no photos today;  We are in a weird kind of limbo. 

Tooli's leaving date has been brought forward because of the Covid Quarantine rules changing in Qatar.   She has to be there early, to complete Isolation, to start work on time. 

The house is a stack of newly purchased items - mostly a new conservative wardrobe, and a suitcase that is taking up a large portion of the dining room. 

There are piles of electronic equipment, and cases to keep them in.   There are lists, of things to do; things to don't, and things to sell. 

There have been meetings with pals.  There have been shopping expeditions; and car showroom phone calls.  There has been a reorganization of Insurance and more lists of more things to do. 

Will it all be done in time?  If not there are always couriers and facetime. 

Boy and Jess - are in Turkey.   I believe this to be Istanbul, and tomorrow they are off on a holiday to Cappadocia - a hotel built in a cave.  Yes, a holiday, a holiday in the midst of all this travel.  ha ha ha. 

And look at Boy.  standing there all the confidence in the world.  a proper traveller,  Did I mention that he had come home with a tattoo?  they never told us about it ,and we didn't spot it until the New Year's Day swimming on the beach; Oh How they laughed... they said he had been waving it at us since they had come home and we had been oblivious. 

Both my kids now tagged. 

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