The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Not what it used to be

Mills Cafe used to be THE coffee shop in Stroud. But that was when the Mills ran it, and before there were so many other cafes in Stroud. And before CoVid, obviously. Nonetheless, it was pleasant to spend half an hour there with friend J after work. We went on up to an art exhibition at Raw Umber studios, which is where the church of the LDS used to be. I am glad that someone has bought the building, and that face to face classes are now being held inside. I liked one of the the portraits, but it cost £450. Lottery win, please!

Playing with the boys was fun today. We had a sort of Ibiza foam party in the kitchen. Not that I've ever been to Ibiza, nor a foam party, but these days we can make our own fun! At first children were afraid of the foam, because it was greenish, and they thought it might be minty, but they all got into it in their own way. I ended up with my face and hair covered in foam, and we did a bit of skiing too. Then I barricaded the kitchen floor off and mopped it while the boys watched cartoons on TV. I didn't play with shaving foam in my childhood (though we did get into trouble for the weedkiller-potions) but our play was largely unsupervised, and there were a lot of us. We had terrific fun, and I'm hoping to give these boys some good play memories too. The parents are cool.

And now I'm off to have a bath to wash off all the shaving foam. I did get rained on on the way home, and there was a tiny downpour or two, and thunder, minus the lightning. Who said thunder only happens when it's raining? Today the thunder was dry. The rain came afterwards.

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