
By rosesinDecember


We didn't make it to Church this morning but we did manage to take our two little doodlebugs to Sainsburys and then Clambers.

E is ever so proud of her sister, "baby Anna", offering up kisses and stroking her head throughout the day , holding her hand, helping with nappy changes, choosing her hat for the day, uttering a reassuring "okay Anna" when she whimpers or cries and "bless you" when she sneezes (which is a lot at the moment as she has a cold). It's wonderful to witness.

She's also extremely proud of her new "pink jacky"...

... and her cousins. E's face was a picture of pure joy as she held hands with them on the way into soft play. Signs of interaction and affection are clear, she and A were chasing each other and copying each other (nodding heads, coughing) rather than the earlier crying at each other and shying away. They climbed the steep steps to the slide together and wooshed down the other side, E on her bottom and A backwards and on his tummy! E's confidence has grown a little and she explored by following A and keeping watch that a familiar face was never far away.

Tonight, after stories with her sister at her side and the "same jamas", the house was quiet. C soon heard E stirring and went to see what she was after: "more mog" (milk). When he met this request he heard E talking to herself uttering "Katie jump", her final thoughts of the day. Too cute!

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