Tuesday's gone
Well it's been a rum day. Started great including seeing a lesser spotted woodpecker in the garden, no image as I didn't have a camera to hand - I knew that if I came to find one it would be gone so I just enjoyed it.
I got a fair but of stuff done and then, at about 11:00, the PC crashed. No BSOD, no theatrics, the screens went black and it was Goodnight Vienna. I swore and restarted it. About 2 hours later it went again so I knew that I'd have to do some diagnostics rather than just ignoring it and hoping that it'll fix itself. I whistled up a full scan - I don't think it's going to be a virus but I started there as there is no point doing anything else if it's infected. Running a scan soaks up loads of resources so I've not been able to do much at all this afternoon. Once the scan is complete I'll start doing other checks.
Meanwhile, the chillies are taking over! Here are a couple on the greenhouse, you might see the slug pellets on the soil. There are a load on the garden table - when I put slug pellets on any outside the magpies take them. A slug that makes it to a plant on the garden table would be the slug Tom Cruise, up the metal legs, hanging upside down on the underside of the table, over the li and across the glass top before a final ascent on the side of the pot. I've never seen signs of slugs on the table so the plants should be safe there for now. There are more plants on other shelves near the house and three plants inside, on a window ledge.
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