Cows below Javerne

Today we did one of our favourite walks with our son, up to the Croix de Javerne then along to Cabane de la Tourche for lunch. The photo was taken on the way down. The walk itself is quite steep but you are almost immediately rewarded with views down to the valley, Lake Geneva as well as across to Villars, Leysin and the Dent du MIDI. The Cabane sits under the Dent du Morcles, which looks unclimbable from there.

The extras show some of the many flowers we saw today (Alpine Toadflax, Michaelmass Daisy, Spotted Orchid, Campula) which I hope I have named correctly as well as a view of the ridge and looking down to the valley. There is no access by road to the hut which made our lunch even more impressive. The food was delicious and well worth the hike. One of those special days in the mountains.

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