Last day of lockdown
Thank goodness I've had the Olympics to keep me entertained ... Ask me anything to do with Taekwondo, Women's mountain biking, women's triathlon ..... What was annoying was the very little coverage of our equestrian team .. so I'm trying to find it on iplayer now. It's playing in the background so I can flip over when the highlights appear.
I made pastry after breakfast .. I'm on it!!!! In the fridge until I make pasties for dinner tonight. Did a bit of ironing after, then just sat. Women's gymnastics .. backflip on the bar no hands ..Incredible! Gives me the eebiejeebies ..
Had a break this afternoon spending a bit of time in the greenhouse. potted up 18 Ajuga purpurea, then sorted the stock seed heads, collecting the seed for sowing, plus harvested some of the ripe seed heads from a plant I must have grabbed seed from in the hedgerow. I thought initially wild carrot but the leaf is different. Could be Aethusa cyanpium - Fool's Parsley. It has a pretty white flower, great for mingling among the other perennials. This is a ripe seed head I harvested yesterday.
Made pasties for dinner .. They were huge. Why can't I make normal sized pasties. Hey ho!! Easy dinner tomorrow night.
Normal service resumes tomorrow. Whoop whoop!!
Thanks to osuzanna for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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