The colour of rain

Worked until 21:00 on different projects then drove home, I'd planned to do a bridge or building blip but it's snowed, rained, torrential rained, hail stoned, was blowing a gale and on top of that it was -8 more with wind chill.
I'd been saving a blip of the train station taken from a balcony opposite, but the balcony was locked, I'll get there again.
So I stood in the rain with the shower cap on the camera for a street blip of Nyugati pályaudvar in downtown Budapest.

Many thanks for all the great advice, help, comments, stars and hearts on yesterdays ND Blip. This is what makes blip so great the way advice and help is given to whoever needs it, without any strings, amazing. Its still on the Spotlight and I'm blown away by all your feedback many thanks.

Large wet street or just press L

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