rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

one minute it's there, the next it's gone...

so the work announcement came today and they are closing the site i work at (along with about 3000 other people) so it was great fun speculating but seeing the marquee for the announcements gave me the creeps, now the news is out it isn't overly funny
:-/ i didn't really feel anything, but knowing that people were crying in the corridors kinda brought it home a bit, i can't imagine what it must be like to hear this news if you have a family to support and no escape plan :-/ i can't believe i actually felt sorry for my beast manager as he had to face us all - he tried the 'no one needs to panic' line but no one was really buying it, why would we? despite all of this everyone in our team was in hilarious spirits and there were plenty of "nice knowing you!" emails and "see yer!" emails flying between the sites!!

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