A Secret Garden Metal Peacock

It took out a tip out to Great Comp Garden, a Kentish hidden gem. It really does feel like a secret garden as it is sits just off a very narrow country lane and you could easily miss it. When you arrive you still can't see the garden until you enter through an arched hedge beside the wooden hut where you pay your entrance fee.
It is a beautiful 7-acre garden surrounding an early 17th Century manor. It has open lawns with spectacular vistas and winding paths which snake their way around woodland, flowerbeds, trees, follies, ponds, statues (my first extra being just one example) and sculptures (my main image is of the sculpture of the aforementioned metal peacock).
The garden is open from March to October first erupting into bloom in the Spring with numerous Magnolias, Azaleas and Rhododendrons under-planted with drifts of Hellebores and bulbs, whilst summer brings the rich and fiery colours of Salvias, Dahlias (see my second extra), Crocosmias and Fuchsias.
I arrived just after it had opened so I felt like I had the whole garden to myself. It was wonderful! The combination of the sun and all the rain we have been having meant all the plants, shrubs, trees and flowers looked stunning. 

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