
By carliewired

Limited Visibility

My eyes are stinging
My throat is dry and I cough
Too much smoke again!


One glance out my windows determined where I might go this morning. Visibility is poor with an air quality of 8 (high risk). There's no hope of any decent long shots. The sun is glowing red through the wildfire smoke giving an eerie light. The temperature was 16 C and very comfortable save for the nasty air. 

I drove up the hill to the university. I haven't wandered here in a while. Parking can be an issue after 8. Timing is key. There's some housing construction underway on the campus so vehicles and equipment are evident there even early in the morning. 

I took a long shot of my mountains from the parking lot on the north side of the campus. They are barely visible. I zoomed in to the river by Riverside Park. I could scarcely make out the two bridges. 

I parked by the Campus Activity Centre and walked across the drive to the Horticultural Garden. It is always a treat to take a walk through this beautifully landscaped space. There are lots of blooms and so much colour to enjoy. I had a look at the lily pond with its waterfall. I hadn't noticed that there are goldfish in this pond. I wondered what they found to eat or if someone feeds them. 

I drove to the parking strip near the east entrance so I could get a shot of the Wolf Pack. It's a new art installation with a nod to the Thompson Rivers University's athletic teams, the TRU WolfPack. The metal sculptures have been set in the middle of a roundabout, making a photo something of a challenge. I managed a shot, but not without road signs, lampposts and fencing....

My last shot was of the red sun peering through a Ponderosa pine. 

I zoomed home for breakfast and I will be spending my time with my sewing machine once again. 

The weatherman has promised us a high of 33 C today with smoke. 

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