
Firstly thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday. Very kind . 

I'm totally biased but Carson is awesome at jumping for his wee age. He loves the trampoline. It helps that he has his siblings to watch and learn from . He has no fear. The little monkey keeps taking a small table over to the big garden one and climbing up on it. He has kept me on my toes today. 

Lincoln has had another sore head today. The great thing is he's not having them everyday but he's still having them too much in my opinion. The hospital secretary called me today to say she's chasing any results and appointments up. 

Harp and the Jedi slept really well last night. Mr R said Carson woke around 11 and then went back over. He got up at half 6 and harp nearly 8am. Fingers crossed it works out well tonight again. 

Harp is getting very excited for Saturday. She's going along to ballet and keeps talking about it , she's already chosen what dress she's going to wear. ( She doesn't take after me ). 

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