Back after all this time

Louis (Trevabyn Sirius) was our first mastiff. He was very special and when he reached the age of 10 years, we decided to take him out for a steak. Crazy ? Well, mastiffs are a giant breed and reaching such a milestone is well worth celebrating. Very few make double figures. 

The Green Man in Middleton did huge steaks, VERY cheaply. 22oz springs to mind, but it was a while ago.

Two years later, Bridie, (Trevabyn Winter Solstice) our wonderful brindle bitch who became the mother of our Champion, reached 10 too. 

We couldn’t leave her out. So we went back for another celebration.  That was in 1992

I went back this lunchtime. We didn’t have steak. It’s far too expensive these days. We had chicken. It was lovely.

They’ve been refurbished.
It’s part of a chain.
It’s nothing out of the ordinary.

But it brought back such special memories. 

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