Super Gut

By supergut

The day unlike the few days before

Too bad my photo today will not be from sunset/sunrise. Actually I spend the whole day inside, tried to study abit and so on. But at 5pm I just fell on sleep, dunno why. Maybe I just had some sleep debt from weekend. (Check our almost epic journey.) Anyway, I woke after 8 and decided not to take picture out of sunrise. Though it looked cool today also I just had to get something different.

This is my Fender Telecaster. I like to play every once and a while. Lately I haven't played as much as I did before because of the photographing but I still play. Sometimes I just want to do something different. Shut the computer and TV, throw my books on the floor and grab my guitar. And play. It's so relaxing and you can forget all the misery and bad feelings for that tiny little moment.

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