A day in the life

By Shelling


Two women had an impact on my current life today. First, The Bank-lady, who refused to give me the loan I need for buying a house or a flat. 

Secondly, Cecilia Udén, foreign correspondent for the Swedish national public radio service in the middle east. She's my heroine, in her way of impartially explain complex context from ongoing conflicts in the Arabic speaking world. She has a very dangerous job working as a journalist in this area but fullfils her mission using knowledge, humanism, respect and emotions to let us understand how their leaders reason, as well as reporting about the daly life "Ahmeds" family.

She held a lecture in a church in the south part of Öland, where she spends her summer holidays, the church was packed with as many as were allowed in these corona times. She didn't give a hopeful report of the future of the region but somehow she managed to give us some hope that especially the situation for women has changed for the better in the region after the "Arabic spring" in 2010. Thank you Cecilia.

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